Wednesday, 25 March 2009


My memory paints his handsome face,

My eyes seek his loving grace.

I dont need to search and find ,

As he is always there in my mind.

I can behold him gazing at me,

His hurried glances of ecstacy.

His burning eyes shooting like a dart,

He is still living in my heart.

He comes into my existence stealthily.........

His restless ways straying through me.

His smile hangs over me in an embrace,

His caressing glances I still can trace.

We dont meet yet nothing has fallen apart,

It's still the same as it was in the start.

In his life of success and fame,

I am sure he will treasure my name.

A thrill runs through remembering the moments so nice,

And tears well up veiling my eyes.

I somehow enjoy this yearning plight,

As he is my first love, a promise of delight.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Nice poem maam...Memories are like gold...its shine can never be forgotten...Keep it up maam!!

  3. That is touching piece written from the depths of heart ..almost has the eerie sense of jumping at you from the pages.

  4. Wow...nice poem.

    Loved the lines:
    We dont meet yet nothing has fallen apart,
    It's still the same as it was in the start.
    In his life of success and fame,
    I am sure he will treasure my name.

  5. This poem relates to everybody who has ever loved. First loves teach us many important things in life and make us a better person. We learn that life is not that simple. Its very comples but that is the thrill of life. I've read this about six-seven times and I loved each and every line of it. You've wriiten your heart out here and I appreciate that. Kudos to you ma'am. Love you :)
