Thursday, 1 March 2012


No other day of my life can measure up to the 1st of march. God came down on this day.... years back to assert that the impossible could happen if the heart yearns for each other. My life has been quite amazing in its rocky terrian with a lot of lows and then the highs that come with a reassurance. There was no doctor to snap the umbilical cord, I couldnt hear the cries of a new born yet I could feel the tug in my heart .... perhaps happiness can create a spark even in a dark chamber. Thats how my daughter entered my life. As I unlocked the door to our house she walked in and the bells of heaven rang in unison ushering in the comfort of a home. I must have done something good to have deserved a child who came breaking through the boundaries of the incredibilities of life and not through my womb. God settled all the scores when he gave me 'BHAVANA'. I was unaware that the LORD had such a surprise planned out for me. I am an ordinary person and so have my share of sins and that is why I have never seen GOD neither can i expect to have his darshan yet I can tell you that in the form of his blessings I have sensed his apparition. So whenever any of you out there feel that you are in distress.... hold on to the helm with patience and bear out the pains..... GOD'S MIRACLE WILL UNFOLD !

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